A sense of precision in every colorEach color can be described by its degree of similarity to the elementary colors yellow, red, green, white and black, which in their purest state cannot be compared to any other color. The Natural Color System®© was developed through 15 years of extensive research with the goal of creating a visually descriptive color system. Today the usage range from color management in product development and ensuring accurate paint production to color design in architecture and interiors.
Convenient with thousands of colorsNCS Color Space reveals many possibilities to create color concepts based on Chromaticness, Hue, Nuance, Blackness, Whiteness, Saturation or Lightness. One could ask for the color to be stronger, more dynamic, subtler, more sensitive or even brighter, darker, greyer and so on.
Any color can be inputted into the NCS Color Space and assigned a notation which makes it possible to look at the subtle nuances of color use in great detail. The systematic structure behind NCS makes NCS a mean for color design in the design process and discussions, and is not only a color collection. Once you are familiar with the NCS you can create these color concepts and color combinations simply by using NCS Notations. With a deeper knowledge and the right color tools, NCS simplifies discussions with customers and helps in finding the right colors for any color design project. |
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